An Exercise in Self-Love All right, the HOLIDAYS are over; you survived! Whether you detest or love the endless round of the HOLIDAY season starting in October, you survived. Did you make conscious decisions about what to participate in, or did you just go along? Was the season joy-filled and peaceful, or are you resentful, […]
If life feels tumultuous these days, you are not alone. Unsettling doesn’t come close to describing the current economy and political unrest. For many the shake down is taking place on a very personal level too. Could it be that these quakes are necessary growing pains toward freedom and sovereignty? Afterall, when everything is falling […]
If you have experienced trauma in your life and you are now ready to release it and move on, I have good news for you, some modalities don’t involve years of therapy or endless suffering, and one of those modalities is Trauma Relief Reiki (TRR). TRR is a gentle, non-invasive, yet powerful, and effective modality […]