44 Times Psychic Coaching works with clients who are
committed to their growth, seeking guidance from spiritual
connection, universal wisdom, and grounded support
through one:one sessions, intuitive readings, energetic healing,
workshops and retreats.
All sessions are available remotely.


A Past Life Healing is an effective and powerful tool to clear any blocks or issues you are having in this lifetime as a result of traumas in a past life.
This healing starts as a reading with you to find any past life issues, then I take you through a Past Life Healing meditation session to clear the issues.

Past life trauma creates a cellular memory that is stored in your body. Together we will clear that memory and create a new story—recreating that life experience to cleanse and heal the suffering so you can be free from the past and experience a new way of living life!

The traumas that can be cleared in your Past Life Healing session range from all physical and emotional traumas - anything that you may have experienced in a past life that your cellular memory is still holding onto today and may be impacting the way you live your life now.

60 Minutes | $166

"in my late teens, I struggled with depression, anxiety, and PTSD from childhood abuse and trauma. Also, I was having difficulty coping with my own intuitive abilities, and needed a wise and gentle soul who could relate to, hear my experiences, and help me heal. Through a combination of coaching, intuitive readings, and healing work with BakeR, I learned how to set and create healthy boundaries, I connected more deeply with Spirit, I was able to work through much of my trauma and I now have a life-long, and invaluable mentor and friend in BakeR. Now, I am much older and am a student, working towards a Master's Degree in Counseling and Art Therapy, and can say with pride that BakeR has been a key figure in me choosing my career path, in my success, and in my growth into a happy, successful adult. As I continue to work with BakeR, I hope to emulate her courage and success, and hope to be like her one day."
-S.L., Sedona




 As your Psychic Coach it is my job to help you determine the transformations you would like to create in your life. We will work holistically to integrate spirit, mind, and body so all of their juicy, creative ideas come together for manifesting your dreams. When you tap into all three areas, especially your higher self – Spirit – and align with it’s message, you can create and manifest from that space. As you learn to listen to that voice you may surprise yourself with your gifts. I will be there to facilitate and empower your access to this higher voice. It is there for everyone.

You are not alone!

 You Are Free from Your Past!

 Your Dreams are Within Reach!

In 2006, I journeyed to The Peruvian Amazon and Andes Mountains to work and study with Don Rober de Lamas, Maestro Banco Ayahuasquero and Don Choque Chinclay, Maestro Huachumero Curandero. While working with Don Rober in the Amazon, I was introduced to Mamacita, a healing Spirit from the Ayahuasca vine. Mamacita talked to me through the four Ayahuasca ceremonies. Ayahuasca tore me to shreds, down to the core of who I was. I felt as though I were left standing naked, nothing was concealed, and out of this came the healing I had been searching for.

The subsequent five Huachuma ceremonies; Serpent Mesa in the Amazon, Mesa of Death at Lambayeque Pyramids, Mesa of Power at El Brujo, Mesa of Transformation at Temple of Jaguar -Chavin de Huantar and Mesa of Creation at Laguna Llanganuco rebuilt me from the inside out. I faced fears, felt emotions at a depth I hadn’t known existed, challenged old beliefs, purged it all and HEALED!

 In addition to psychic coaching, I use every tool at my disposal to help my clients achieve new levels of joy and success. Day-to-day stressors, major life transitions, and health issues can cause physical and emotional pain, fatigue, extreme emotions, inability to concentrate, and more. I offer several very gentle and non-invasive healing modalities, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Reiki, Drumming Reiki, Trauma Relief Reiki, and Shamanic Reiki to help you restore well-being.

These services can be added on to any of my other offerings if you are booking a coaching or reading session with me, or you can book an energy healing session individually. Combining all of these modalities together is where holistic healing of mind, body, and spirit integrates, helping you find the root cause of any ailments.