It is my mission to empower freedom seekers to take back their sovereignty, step into their magnificence and live a life of abundance through personal transformation. I offer Spiritual Life Coaching, Psychic Readings, Retreats and Workshops. My offerings are here to help support you in powerfully creating the riches you desire in all facets of life – career, relationships, abundance and spirituality among others. In my blog, you'll find spiritual insights, inspiration and education to support you along your healing journey.
Thank you for being here.

Hi, I'm baker

Your Psychic Coach & Intuitive Healer

  1. Ann Gilfillan says:

    BakeR, hello glad to see you on line. Have been hibernating these last 3 years and have finally decided to slowly venture back into the world. Think your article is a great public service. Trust and safety is so important for healing. Quick is usually not the way. Spirituality is a way of life not a passing fancy and the heart knows

  2. Hi Ann, it’s so good to hear from you! I’m just getting back on FB myself. Thank you for your comments, much appreciated! Yes my absolute number one qualification would be safety! With integrity and responsibility of course.
    Love to you!

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