44 Times Psychic Coaching works with clients who are
committed to their growth, seeking guidance from spiritual
connection, universal wisdom, and grounded support
through one:one sessions, intuitive readings, energetic healing,
workshops and retreats.
All sessions are available remotely.


Be All That You Can Be
  Free of Past and Perceived Trauma
  Exploring New Paths with Courage, Conviction & Fire
  As I Guide You to Unleash that Incredible Being You Are!

Trauma Relief Reiki combines the best of all my practices, utilizing my shamanic reiki energy healing, my intuitive abilities, and my years of spiritual and emotional counseling. Bringing all my skills and gifts together to work with you empowers you to find your original traumas, your negative core beliefs and the causes of your wounds. Together we will root them out – freeing you to live your life with fire, conviction, and verve!

Using Trauma Relief Reiki to clear cellular memories, wounds, and negative energy I have witnessed clients transform as layers of old trauma are cleansed, fade away and are replaced with joy and delight in life. Often the transformation is quite miraculous!

Clients have responded with comments such as these:
• “That heavy weight on my chest is gone!”
• “The hands I felt around my neck choking me are gone!”
• “Reframing the timeline was incredibly powerful, I feel like a new person.”

When you are too young or unwilling, or don’t have the resources to process a traumatic event it gets stored in your energetic field - your body - as a cellular memory. If you have ever thought about a past traumatic event and felt a negative sensation in your body, that is a cellular body memory. It can feel like: “a large lump of hot, sharp brownish-black rock”, “a cold, gooey, sludge-like yellow mass”, “suffocating energy centered around my throat”. These are all cellular body memories that clients have described to me.

You may not realize you have stored cellular memories – or you may have been aware for years that something is weighing you down or holding you back. Often a new trauma – a death in your family, a critical car accident, or job loss may trigger the cellular memory and suddenly you are experiencing pain, anxiety, loss of sleep, lethargy and sometimes a general sense of overwhelm. If these cellular memories are not dealt with, they can cause even greater havoc in the form of depression, debilitating anxiety, lack of motivation and ultimately can lead to severe physical or mental illness.

If you can relate to any of these statements, you may have suppressed cellular memories:
• I have felt blocked by some unknown fear that often feels bigger than life.
• I have a fear of driving or flying or anxiety in general.
• I have a fear of being tortured or killed for my work.
• I feel there is always a shadow over me.
• I am often depressed or fearful for no conceivable reason.

As your practitioner I create a safe haven for you – as you uncover the trauma and are ready to release it you may experience – fear, anger, rage, grief, pain and overwhelm. I am right there with you, guiding you through and helping you to heal. You are not alone!
                                           You Are Safe. You Are Protected. Your Sovereignty is Honored.

      Trauma Relief Reiki - you and I working together  - releases the cellular memories and empowers you to live FREE!

90 Minutes | $266

“Thank you so much for the many ways you helped me during the reading. I was faced with a difficult decision as soon as I got home, and I was able to make a choice that feels right for me…I know that some of what you shared in the reading helped me to do this. I also felt a healing concerning the relationship with my Dad…I was so unsure about having you call him in because I had never experienced this with anybody who has passed…now I feel like he hears me when I talk to him. ” – Bonnie, Philadelphia, PA




 As your Psychic Coach it is my job to help you determine the transformations you would like to create in your life. We will work holistically to integrate spirit, mind, and body so all of their juicy, creative ideas come together for manifesting your dreams. When you tap into all three areas, especially your higher self – Spirit – and align with it’s message, you can create and manifest from that space. As you learn to listen to that voice you may surprise yourself with your gifts. I will be there to facilitate and empower your access to this higher voice. It is there for everyone.

You are not alone!

 You Are Free from Your Past!

 Your Dreams are Within Reach!

In 2006, I journeyed to The Peruvian Amazon and Andes Mountains to work and study with Don Rober de Lamas, Maestro Banco Ayahuasquero and Don Choque Chinclay, Maestro Huachumero Curandero. While working with Don Rober in the Amazon, I was introduced to Mamacita, a healing Spirit from the Ayahuasca vine. Mamacita talked to me through the four Ayahuasca ceremonies. Ayahuasca tore me to shreds, down to the core of who I was. I felt as though I were left standing naked, nothing was concealed, and out of this came the healing I had been searching for.

The subsequent five Huachuma ceremonies; Serpent Mesa in the Amazon, Mesa of Death at Lambayeque Pyramids, Mesa of Power at El Brujo, Mesa of Transformation at Temple of Jaguar -Chavin de Huantar and Mesa of Creation at Laguna Llanganuco rebuilt me from the inside out. I faced fears, felt emotions at a depth I hadn’t known existed, challenged old beliefs, purged it all and HEALED!

 In addition to psychic coaching, I use every tool at my disposal to help my clients achieve new levels of joy and success. Day-to-day stressors, major life transitions, and health issues can cause physical and emotional pain, fatigue, extreme emotions, inability to concentrate, and more. I offer several very gentle and non-invasive healing modalities, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Reiki, Drumming Reiki, Trauma Relief Reiki, and Shamanic Reiki to help you restore well-being.

These services can be added on to any of my other offerings if you are booking a coaching or reading session with me, or you can book an energy healing session individually. Combining all of these modalities together is where holistic healing of mind, body, and spirit integrates, helping you find the root cause of any ailments.