
Dive deeper with my free resources! These tools are here to assist you in connecting with your higher self, inner truth and cosmic magnificence.

Dive deeper with my free resources! These tools are here to assist you in connecting with your higher self, inner truth and cosmic magnificence.

Are you aware that your unhealed past lives can affect your current life? Often when you have an unresolved block in this lifetime that you can’t figure out, it is from a Past Life. If you didn’t have any trauma in your current life to cause the block you can almost bet that it is […]

June 7, 2024

Past Life Healing Meditation

Enjoy this Shamanic Reiki to manifest your desires for prosperity, health, joy, love, creativity, and fertility. I created this layout to encompass all that you may desire for the New Year! You can use this any time throughout the year of course but I wanted to kick off this year with a beautiful manifestation for […]

January 16, 2024

Shamanic Reiki Video for Manifesting

Trauma Relief Reiki

Please enjoy this soothing Shamanic Reiki session – click below for the link to the Video.

September 7, 2023

Shamanic Reiki for Calm, Peace, and Joy