Hi, I'm BakeR

Your Psychic Coach & Intuitive Healer

It is my mission to empower freedom seekers to take back their sovereignty, step into their magnificence and live a life of abundance through personal transformation. I offer Psychic Coaching, Intuitive readings, Shamanic Reiki, Emotional Release Reiki, and Soul Retrieval. My offerings are here to free you in powerfully creating the riches you desire in life - passion, purpose, abundance, love, spiritual connection, and most of all Joy! I have worked with clients for over twenty-five years, guiding them to find their Inner Truth. Sometimes that means finding and stepping through unknown barriers such as healing trauma from past lives, bringing back lost Soul parts, or engaging with your guides to enable you to find your way. It may feel like you have been lost for a long time, or you're living under a dark cloud, or it may be that you are ready to embody all that you are and we just need to find that path for you. You may trust that along with my guides and mentoring, your guides and your intuition will come through to empower your transformation. I am here to introduce you to your own unique gifts and talents, to bring out that fire and conviction that will lead you to remember your authentic magnificence!

You may be wondering what led me to this work. You did! Watching you claim your authenticity, your sovereignty, live with fire conviction and verve is what brought me here. It is my passion! I am never happier than when you flourish.

I lived through and survived childhood sexual abuse, and transformed that rage and pain to live a life of joyous wonder and Freedom! From mere survival to creating this life of absolute riches in every facet, I am a testimony to the skills of my mentors, teachers, therapists, and coaches. I was and am incredibly blessed to be supported by these extraordinary people. Their guidance and healing inspired me to become the Psychic Coach and you inspire me to continue!

I am a professional Psychic Coach, a Psychic/Intuitive reader and Shamanic healer. 

I have journeyed with Ayahuasqueros and Huachumeras in Peru, and studied with healers and psychics, ministers, and coaches. After completing healing work with Shamans in the Amazon jungle I returned to Arizona with my Spirit Guide - Mamacita, from the Ayahuasca spirit vine. I now work with Mamacita, and any other spirits who come through. These may include your guides or spirits of loved ones that remain with you. Along with you, your guides, and your higher self, our team will empower you to create your dreams.

I'm a Usui Reiki Master, a Master Prosperity Teacher, a Fire Walker, a graduate of the Red Rock Ranger District's Outfitter/Guide Training, and past VP of the Sedona Metaphysical and Spiritual Association. I formerly served as a licensed Religious Science Practitioner (an RScP completes an intensive 4-yr. program) and I'm fully committed to the principles and teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes and Religious Science, this is my spiritual foundation.  I served on the Board and Vision Group of New Vision Spiritual Growth Center in Scottsdale, Az for many years. 

I am a licensed minister and lovingly facilitate Celebration of Life/memorial services, and either traditional or alternative weddings and sacred unions.

I have been published in Science of Mind magazine and was a co-author of “Abundant You” for New Vision Center in Scottsdale.  I have been guest speaker at several spiritual centers through the years. 

I have facilitated Workshops/Classes including:
  • Shamanic Reiki**
  • Crystal Reiki
  • Dance In The Light 1.0 & 2.0**
  • Way of The Warrior Woman**
  • Mysticism
  • Self Mastery
  • Principles of Financial Freedom
  • Spiritual Principles
  • Science of Mind Foundational & Roots 
  • Consensus Leadership
        **Curriculum developed personally

I reside in mystic Sedona, Arizona with my creative, inspiring, and spiritually connected husband André Gendron, and our tuxedo cat, Sir Spencer.

From having lived through personal trauma, survival and
transformation comes the passion to create a ripple of growth,
freedom, and sovereignty that originates with my aligned action and
extends outward to multiply the positive impacts on personal lives.


Freedom, Love, & Courage

Authenticity & Truth

Inspiration, Magic & Fun



What is unique about my approach, is that I not only use my intuitive abilities to guide our work, but I also teach and coach you how to tap into your own intuition and higher wisdom to guide your decision. This approach truly empowers you to reach for your dreams and live your best life well beyond coaching sessions, a workshop, or private readings.

My wish is that you will experience in your life a love that makes you shout, “I love you 44 times the Universe and back!” If you can love something or someone, especially yourself that deeply, you will have succeeded. You will be happy, I guarantee you.

I truly hope that you love yourself that much. Yes, yourself! You are your own best friend, aren’t you? If you’re not, we can work together to make that a reality.

Other topics we can explore together:
• Loved one/s
• Your Path in Life - Your Purpose
• Your Spirituality - Your Connection to Spirit – God – the Universe – a Tree
• Joy – Health - Prosperity
• Your Career - Your Vocation
• Money – Possessions

You will make the change when you decide that your happiness is more important than your pain.

Spiritual Life Coaching
Teaching & Facilitating Workshops & Retreats
Private Psychic Readings, Couples Readings, & Group Readings
I also offer energy healing in the form of Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Drumming Reiki, and Shamanic Reiki Sessions, for clients.

My greatest joy comes from helping people live a life beyond their wildest dreams. I’d love to work with you!

Consider testing the waters for Spiritual Life Coaching, with a FREE 22 minute phone consultation.
Call me directly at: 602.999.2493 to set up your consultation

“I love you fortyfour times the universe and back.”

You may be wondering about the name of my company, FortyFour Times. My husband, André and I say to each other, “I love you fortyfour times the universe and back”. I’m not sure why it became fortyfour times but it just did! When I was trying to choose a name for my company nothing was working, then I jokingly said, “or I could just call it fortyfour times”.

As soon as I said it, we looked at each other with one of those looks and we knew that was it, the name of my company. I ran upstairs to check if the name was available. When I Googled it a quote from my all time favorite book came up. “One day I saw the sun set forty four times.” from The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The little prince lived on a very small planet, he could just move his chair to see the sun set again and again and again.

That did it for me, that was the name of my company!

My wish is that everyone would have something in their lives that warranted a fortyfour times. Start with loving yourself fortyfour times more today than yesterday — which would be the best gift, because when you love yourself that much you can’t help but spread it out in great rays of love, transforming not only you but the whole universe!

“What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.” –Crowfoot

How did you get the name BakeR?

It was my birth name. I never liked my first or middle name so when I moved to Arizona I had my name legally changed to BakeR, which was my only name for thirty years until I married my wonderful husband and decided to take his last name. A huge shock to me and most of my friends!

When did you first know you were psychic?

As a child, although I didn’t understand why that beautiful Indian woman was talking to me! I just knew that she was kind, peaceful, and loving and she listened to me. I believe there was a Native American burial ground on our land. There were arrowheads scattered around, and various other pieces of flint tools. This sacred area was one of a few in the surrounding fields where I would hang out with the spirits. I also had some out-of-body experiences as a child, flying over the barn until I scared myself silly one day.

What’s your favorite vegetable?

Tomatoes, carrots, beets….. but I really love all vegetables except okra…… Ewww is that even a vegetable? Cheese, I love cheese! What? Cheese isn’t a vegetable? Are you kidding?

Wait, mushrooms are not a vegetable, right? Because I hate mushrooms.

If you were a road where would you lead and why?

If I were a road I would lead out into a wide open desert vista – into the beautiful mountains up near Lake Powell. A magical and mystical place, where I find myself, where I feel most alive. It is quiet, only the call of the hawk and raven, the stars so close I can touch them. Laying on the ground, I smell the sage and clean desert air. I feel every muscle in my body as I climb the slick rock. Cooking over a campfire I watch the dancing flames, touch the stars and listen to the night sounds. And it feels safe – very safe, nothing and no one around to disturb me.... (Continued...)

If you were a road where would you lead and why? (Continued)

...This road has many branches too – they take you to new and exciting places. They lead you through the pain, through the shadows, and into the light. The road is easy and smooth – it is straight through the desert and curves through the mountains. It’s a secondary road off the main highway – quiet and yet it leads to the most beautiful spot – to healing – to wholeness. It is the road to love – the ultimate love of self, the most important love. It leads to self-love – self-importance – self-empowerment. And once you think you’re at the end you find you’re not, the road just disappeared around a corner or over a hill and it’s just waiting to carry you onward. Because this road is life, the road of life and it knows that you will always have more to learn, more to be, and more to do.

Have you always been a spiritual coach?

No, I was a Realtor for twenty years in Scottsdale, AZ before pursuing my real passion. Prior to that, I was the first woman (that I know of) to sell heavy construction equipment in Arizona. Fun Fact: I drove an 18-wheeler with a hydraulic tail trailer loaded with a Backhoe and Forklift across Hoover Dam, tractor and trailer combined were 65′ long ….I remember being a little scared!

If you were a fish, animal, or fowl what would you be and why?

I am a Raven, guided by the quest for insight. Driven to play on the wind – soaring on the drafts. I am funny, curious, wise, and sociable. I create elaborate nests – home! I love to play – to laugh and to chase a hawk around the red rocks. I love to preen my beautiful purplish black feathers, until I shimmer in the sunshine I am able to look beyond the surface and see into you. I intuit where you came from and where you are going. I am joyous and strong, a true warrior if needed – champion for others. I love shiny things – a silver ring, jewels in the desert, raindrops sparkling on a leaf, a spider’s web glistening in the sun. I am intelligent and trainable – looking at all angles to figure out the puzzle. I talk to you if you’ll listen. I am Raven.

What do you do for fun?

Hike, dance, read, coach people, watch movies, explore mountains, take pictures…..so much to do, so little time!

What one event or circumstance in your life did more to make you into who you are than any other and why?

That would have to be the abuse by my father. As I see it now it shaped who I was to become, and forced me to work through that and come out the other side. I always thought I adored my father, when he died at 43 it was devastating for me. Twenty-plus years later when my partner was dying and the flashbacks of the sexual abuse started I had to recognize and own what had happened. I had to finally deal with the grief of the loss of “Father” as I knew him and accept a new warped version. A version that was dirty, shame-based, rage-filled, and ugly. This was not what I wanted to believe – I wanted to stay in the fairy tale – to know that the white knight was coming at any time. I wanted to stay in the illusion....(continued)

What one event or circumstance in your life did more to make you into who you are than any other and why? (continued)

...But he wouldn’t let me – he was always there sitting on my shoulder – eyeing me – twisting in the wind – playing with my mind and emotions. The pain cut through everything, it was the base from which all flowed. I walled out love, I walled out connection and intimacy. Many years later I came to forgiveness – this created who I am now. The woman who walked through that death – through that pain and came to forgiveness. And through forgiveness gained freedom! Forgiveness allowed me to create a gorgeous, lush, rich life, full of love and joy. Forgiveness enabled me to go beyond myself and empower other women and men to find their way.

What are your favorite books?

“The Little Prince”, “Eat, Pray, Love”, Stieg Larsson’s trilogy, anything by Jodi Picoult, almost anything by Diana Gabaldon, “Anam Cara”, the original unedited “Science of Mind”, I could go on and on and on!

 “The Little Prince” by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, is probably my all-time favorite book. 

What are your favorite movies?

Current movies include just out “Chloe” (an intense ride), “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”(caution – very brutal rape scene), “Crazy Heart”, “The Last Station”, “Iron Man 2″ and “Robin Hood” (yes, I was surprised I loved both of these), “It’s Complicated”. Older movies “Waitress”, “Doubt”, “Slum Dog Millionaire”, “Girl, Interrupted”. Again too many to mention!

If you knew you were going to be stranded on a desert island for a year what could you not live without?

Nothing, the truth is I COULD live without anything except food, water, and air, but I WOULDN’T want to live without my husband – Andre’, a few good books, and Dr. Pepper lip gloss! Can I take some iced tea with me too?

What’s your favorite quote?

I have so many, but here are a few:
“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough, without ever having felt sorry for itself.” — D. H. Lawrence
“Allow yourself to trust joy & embrace it. You will find you dance with everything!”– Emerson
“The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.” –Goethe
“I walk on fire! I can do anything I choose! ANYTHING!!! — BakeR

One last question what’s your favorite stress release?

Playing with my tuxedo cat, Sir Spencer. He loves ice hockey, batting a piece of ice around with his own little hockey stick! JK, but he does use his paw and jumps up and chases it.

I hope you had as much fun reading as I had writing this page!! Many blessings, BakeR